mercredi 27 avril 2016


No hunger, no want to eat? However, you need to feed as normally as possible, to prevent burning and losing, especially muscle mass. No one forces you to overeating force (it would be an ordeal) but on the other hand, a few tricks can help you open your appetite ..

What solutions?

> Avoid eating in the kitchen if smells bother you. Many patients become hypersensitive to odors, even those foods qu''ils loved before being sick: Go to the salon, even if it is a little less "practical".

> Play it sweet: it often goes better than the salty ... but you do not feed as desserts or bread-butter-jam and compotes, you can also cook sugar-dirty honey, in a sauce or even a soup, fresh raw fruits in a salad or cooked with meat ... Think also to feed the mild, sweet flavor very pleasant: beet, carrot, corn, pumpkin and pumpkin, chestnut and qu''à oriental-inspired cuisine (such as tagines with prunes, dates, pears, dried apricots ...).

> Make the kitchen as you like: no need to force you to eat broccoli or fish, because they are "healthy", if they do not want you! So what if your diet is less varied qu''en Normally you rebalance later. For now, the important thing is to please as possible and stimulate your appetite.

> Avoid eating alone: ​​Obviously, there is not always a choice ... But whenever possible, it is better invite a (e) friend (e), it avoids ending up head-to-head with his tray watching TV or against the kitchen wall. When you feel fit, so try to make meals "group" (with family or friends), even ask for help: eat in good company, talk and laughter around the table not only helps not to isolate itself, but also to experience a bit of appetite, and play down meal time if it becomes difficult for you emotionally.

> Cook "odor resistant" because some emanations become particularly repulsive when feeling nauseous, it is possible to limit, for example by cooking microwave, steam, or in foil (including silicone, rather appetizing with their colors "pop"). Also available commercially for some time, bags specially designed for cooking odor, for microwave (steam cooking bag), or even the oven (the oven cooking bag). also practical and reusable, electric steamer, or even the small bamboo basket rests on a pot of boiling water.

> Provide small servings: nothing worse than a giant plate, or overfilled, which seems downright repulsive and almost give the up-the-heart in advance! Use as soon as possible of individual dishes (casserole or gratin dishes has), both pretty and tasty, small glasses, plates a dessert ...

> Zap the entrance, and directly attacking the main course, complete and nutritious: You keep the rest (small entrance, cheese, dessert) for later if you have eaten enough, or for a snack. The "normal" meals are often too generous and large, split also helps not to feel disappointed not to have swallowed everything.

> Try to make a minimum of physical activity (one does not speak of jogging or gym, but such a small step, at your own pace, from 20 to 30 minutes). When? Always before meals ( "that hollow") and not after (better to rest after eating). Will move more to maintain your muscle mass (the disease sometimes tends to melt in favor of fat, which is obviously not beneficial).

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